Forums - Ironnman's Infinite Show all 27 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Ironnman's Infinite ( Posted by Croaky is Frog on 11:23:2001 04:54 AM: Ironnman's Infinite Can someone explain to me how its done as simply as possible? Posted by mindtricks on 11:23:2001 05:12 AM: j.lp, j.lp, ,, j.u+HP Posted by magnus on 11:23:2001 06:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by mindtricks j.lp, j.lp, ,, j.u+HP that basically sums everything up . its very easy to do while set up with psylocke aa assist. mae sure that the opponent doesn't get to low in the air after the 2 lp, or the short will not connect. mag Posted by Arma^ on 11:23:2001 10:25 AM: Yeah there's loads of ways to set it up. I made a quick movie last night for someone that wanted a way to set it up with Cyclops. Amusingly I plugged my MIC into the line in so all you can hear is the buttons being pressed lol but this will help with the timing. Input is: Cyclops AAA hits, walk forward (or dash under or whatever), manual sj, hp (must be neutral), airdash df, lp, lp, up + hp \/ start inf (jump, lp lp pause lk up+hp) Timing is diff for bigger people. If you need any more help just shout. OUT Posted by fuckfaze on 11:24:2001 10:05 AM: well psy AAA isn;t always the best way to do it - - what if other guy run away forever and chips u to death and all u wanta do i get closer to him - and what if psy came out and eat couple of AHVBS and die - then ur fucked right? - yeah pretty much - --- i ust IM,cable or storm - doom - its actually work pretty good-- anyways where some setups- do his kick launcher SJ HP - dash D/f Lp Up+ HP rejump infnite , and jump over them HK , do his kick laucncher , lk ,lk ,up+HP rejump lk, lk up+hp, lk, lk up+hp, lk, lk up+hp, - yes thats his second infnite - which work good on BH - cause BH kind of hard to do on IM first infnite -there more - but other invole in dashes - i know got some more - but its for show off :-) Posted by EXKanzenSouzou on 11:24:2001 01:27 PM: one of the japanese setups goes something like: c.LP,c.LP, manulay superjump, cancel the SJ with LK, airdash forward, LP,LP,LK then u.HP, then land and redo the LP,LP,LK, u.HP im not sure if thats the correct setup though......hmmmm Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 11:24:2001 08:13 PM: For the Japanese infinite set-ups, use a reverse tiger knee motion after the c. mp. Way easy to do. The correct Japanese set-up is c. lk, c. mp, manual superjump, cancel the sj. with lp, airdash forward, lp, up+hp, infinite. Other variations of the Japanese set-up - c. lk, c. mp, manual superjump, cancel the sj. with lk, airdash up, lp, up+hp, infinite - c. lk, c. mp, manual superjump, cancel the sj. with lk, sj. mk, airdash down/forward, lp, mp, up+hp, infinite - c. lk, c. mp, manual superjump, cancel the sj. with lp, sj. lk, sj. mk, airdash down/forward, lp, up+hp, infinite (works on people like Cable and Doom) Ironman has a 3rd infinite, works on tall and medium characters and is VERY hard to do. s. lk, crouch cancel, sj. lk, airdash quickly down/forward, lk, mk, up+hp, repeat from beginning. It's like Magneto's. Check out some of the Ironman help threads where I posted almost every single infinite set-up without assist. Posted by KaiSing on 11:24:2001 08:18 PM: wierd, i got the infinite for ironman by doing lp, lk, lk, hp. is that supposed to work too? Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 11:25:2001 12:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by fuckfaze i know got some more - but its for show off :-) Since you know so much, post! Posted by fuckfaze on 11:25:2001 11:50 PM: oh yeah - i found this out other day - IM semi helper infnite - u either snap back or killed the main GUY - while assist still outside - - do his kick launcher - and FLY hold u/f LK lk LK..... -- hehe its look cool too - take it all the way to top corner of the screen - i don;t know if u can cancle fly then fly and keep doing it - but i think u can - since his fly mode is kind of fast - tell me what yal think - - OH yeah mtw - IM can;t kill helper with his HK - so i guess that is the best way Posted by Shadow_X on 11:26:2001 12:02 AM: i pause after the lk Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 11:26:2001 12:11 AM: IM's infinite is a good enough helper infinite. I don't use fly semi helper infinites that much. If you're in unfly mode, I think you can keep on doing it after 5 repetitions. I use this. (on helper) kick launcher, sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. mp, sj. up + hp, airdash u/f, sj. lp, sj. up + hp, fly, lk, mp, up + hp, jab unibeam, wait for the helper to fall down a bit, lp, up + hp, jab unibeam, repeat until fly ends. Posted by Ping on 11:26:2001 02:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin For the Japanese infinite set-ups, use a reverse tiger knee motion after the c. mp. Way easy to do. You mean roll from down to up-away? Wouldn't you want to jump forward? And if the person who started this thread still cares- The timing for the hits on IM's basic infinite is a j.lp once you jump, a j.lp right after that (still rising from the jump), as you begin to fall (a bit after the peak of the jump is reached), j.up+hp as you're falling (When IM does the pose for the u+hp, his feet should be about touching the floor in his pose). It takes some practice, but you can get it down after you get used to it. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 11:26:2001 02:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ping You mean roll from down to up-away? Wouldn't you want to jump forward? Yeah it's possible. It's because IM's jumping jab has good range. If you did a norman tiger knee motion, you'd get a unibeam, which you don't want. Posted by Ping on 11:26:2001 03:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Cerebral Assassin Yeah it's possible. It's because IM's jumping jab has good range. If you did a norman tiger knee motion, you'd get a unibeam, which you don't want. Of course! I forgot about that. Thanks, I think I'll give it a try tomorrow or something. Posted by TopNotch on 11:26:2001 05:41 AM: How do you guardbreak into the infinite??? With just ironman using no assists?? I mean, the timing and stuff, I need to get it down... Posted by fuckfaze on 11:26:2001 05:55 AM: timing-- Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 11:26:2001 01:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by TopNotch How do you guardbreak into the infinite??? With just ironman using no assists?? I mean, the timing and stuff, I need to get it down... Right after you kill someone close to the corner, jump at the next character coming in with j. up + hp (they block), then jump again and do his infinite the instant he lands. If they get hit with the j. up + hp, do his infinite anyway. For his midscreen guardbreak, jump at the character coming in with a j. lp, pause, then do up + hp, which hits, then jump again and do his infinite the instant he lands. Posted by Ping on 11:26:2001 05:25 PM: Hey Cerebral Assassin, what's the timing with the reverse Tiger knee motion for the Japanese Infinite setup? I tried it and can't seem to pull it out at all. Like, when I was learning Cable's s.rk xx AHVB, I was told to wait until after his grunt to do the motion. Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 11:27:2001 03:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ping Hey Cerebral Assassin, what's the timing with the reverse Tiger knee motion for the Japanese Infinite setup? I tried it and can't seem to pull it out at all. Like, when I was learning Cable's s.rk xx AHVB, I was told to wait until after his grunt to do the motion. The timing's just like Cable's s. hk, xx AHVB. Do the motion almost immediately after IM's c. mp grunt. It's something you have to find out yourself though, I just gave you a few hints. Posted by fuckfaze on 11:27:2001 04:15 AM: there is one thing ya left out - or probaly ya didn;t nkow about - but i let yal find out yourself- Posted by japanegro on 11:27:2001 05:46 AM: i have an ironman infinite i don't know if its been done already or posted already.this infinite is for people who hit their opponent with two overhead hits and try the infinite from the air and it doesn't work. jump,dash df,lk,fp,dash to opponent,,,fk,sj.u+fp,dash db,jp, u+fp,land,jump,jp,jp,lk,u+fp. Posted by fuckfaze on 11:27:2001 07:48 AM: u mean IM infnite starter - there are another one - i seen form this one vid from some jap site - its don on sentinel in corner - and there alot of dashes - like magneto - Posted by nightmareivy on 02:25:2002 04:20 PM: hey cerebral you said that the cancel is way easy to do, but the thing is hard as fuck for me to do, it just won't come out, either i'm doing it to quick or i'm not doing it right, can you explain how to do it right to me, or at least how you do it; so that i can get it fucking right for once. -Erik Posted by nightmareivy on 02:25:2002 04:27 PM: when i'm doing the infinite i seem to get it up to 23 hits before i can hit the person for the 24 hit (up+fp) they hit the ground, do i have to go into fly mode, have an assist help me, or is my timing fucking up at that point? -Erik Posted by The Cerebral Assassin on 02:26:2002 01:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by nightmareivy hey cerebral you said that the cancel is way easy to do, but the thing is hard as fuck for me to do, it just won't come out, either i'm doing it to quick or i'm not doing it right, can you explain how to do it right to me, or at least how you do it; so that i can get it fucking right for once. -Erik It's not that hard. Do this: After you do IM's crouching strong, execute the reverse tigerknee or the normal tigerknee motion while holding down. It's like you were canceling the c. mp into a special move (think of it as c. forward buffered into a Fireball). Also, a better explanation of canceling crouching strong into a superjump is in the first page of the Iron Man Thread. As for your second question, yes, your timing is fucking up at that point. If you sense that he/she is almost hitting the ground, do a jumping short and continue the infinite. Or you could just work on perfecting your timing. Posted by psx2000 on 02:26:2002 06:55 AM: This thread is now closed. Read the thread "all strats and tactics users please read this". It will explain why this thread was closed. If you have any questions or comments about why it was closed , please post it there. THANK YOU, PSX2000 All times are GMT. The time now is 12:41 AM. 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